When you add funds to your COL Financial Cash Balance by depositing money into certain banks, you need to be aware of the bank fund transfer fees which can range from P10.00 to P110.00 per transaction. Here's a quick summary of those fees.
For Internet Banking:
BDO - P10.00
BPI - P5.00
Metrobank - P4.00
Chinabank - P10.00
Via Phone Banking:
BDO - P10.00
BPI - P20.00
Via ATM:
BDO - P10.00
BPI - P20.00
Over-The-Counter / Via Teller
BDO - P20.00
BPI - P110.00
Metrobank - P25.00
This means that if you would like to add P5,000 to the Cash Balance of your COL Financial Account, and if you're planning to make a deposit over-the-counter at BDO, then you need to deposit P5,020.
Here's a TIP: Instead of making monthly deposits of P2,520 (assuming you're planning to invest P2,500 in the stock market every month similar to the kasambahays of Bro. Bo Sanchez), deposit P15,020 every six months (P2500 x 6 = P15,000 + P20 BDO over the counter fund transfer charge).
Much Success,
Jho of WealthyTayo.com
P.S. When you Join the Truly Rich Club, go for the Gold Subscription (P497/month for Philippine residents). Choose the 12-month BDO deposit option, because you will enjoy a 20% discount.