When you add funds to your COL Financial Cash Balance by depositing money into certain banks, you need to be aware of the bank fund transfer fees which can range from P10.00 to P110.00 per transaction. Here's a quick summary of those fees.
COL Financial and TIN
Yes, you will need a TIN (Tax Identification Number) if you want to apply for a COL Financial account.
COL Financial is a stock broker that allows you to buy/sell stocks online, via the COL Financial website. In order to log into that website, you'll need to first apply for a COL Financial account. After they approve your application, you'll be given instructions on how to add at least P5,000 to your COL Financial account.
Some people from outside the Philippines are asking: "Do I really need to have a T.I.N. in order to get a COL Financial account?"
Yes, you do. Here's what COL Financial says...